This is the view from my kitchen window; a window above my sink. To some, it may not look like much, but to me it means joy.
Growing up and playing house as a little girl, I used to dream about my future. What would my husband's name be? How many kids would we have? Would I live in a one story house or a two-story? I hope I have a window above the kitchen sink.
I've dreamed about this day for so long. A day where I relax at home. Walk my dog. Prepare a meal for my husband in our kitchen and look out the kitchen window as I wash dishes. At 23 years old, that dream has come to fruition. And might I say it is so, so good.
The view I see of outside is lovely. It feels safe. It gives me joy. It makes me excited about the day and what is planned for tomorrow.
I have a window with a view above my kitchen sink. And for that I am thankful.