A few weeks ago my friend Pam asked if I would mind "modeling" for her as she tested out some new photography methods (not sure if methods is the correct term. I am no photographer and have no idea the correct terms). I of course said yes. Looking at my bucket list = Be a model for a day, check ! Haha how fun would this be!
And the afternoon was fun for. For obvious reasons, I got to try out my saved Top Model poses ;) But there was a perspective changing moment I had when we had finished. Seeing the photos when we were done made me think a lot about my external beauty.
To me, external beauty isn't as appealing as someone's inner beauty. However, I believe it is very, very important for every person to realize how beautiful they are. I can't help but notice how many girls in my generation put down their looks. Not pretty enough, not thin enough, .. and on and on.
It's a sad fact that many a girls don't treasure the beauty they have.
It got me to think about my perspective on my own external beauty. There are definitely days where I start to compare myself to others around me. I let the negative thoughts take over. And that leads to a downward spiral. How I see myself is how the world will see me. (Granted that isn't true all the time, but I think it is a pretty good mantra to try and live out.) If I feel negatively about how I look, when my husband comes home from work, he'll sense those feelings. And that is not good! As a wife I want to exude beauty in everything I do - my talk, my walk, the way I treat others, the way I dress. And that all starts with me telling myself, I am beautiful, from the inside out.
Thinking about the future years, considering starting a family, I know that one day I really will be a model. I'll have little eyes watching what I do and what I say (to others and to myself). I want to make sure my future children know how beautiful they are and I want them to know that I think I'm beautiful. And I need to start that habit now.
As I've said before, inner beauty has far more worth than external beauty does. But every now and then (more frequent than not) I think its healthy to look in the mirror and say, damn, I look good!
Thank you Pam for these photos.
Love yourself!
xo leah