This last weekend we celebrated my mom turning 55! She loves this age because now she can say she is as old as the speed limit. I hosted a little luncheon with some of my moms best friends. Friends she's had ever since moving to Oregon around 20 years ago. These woman have known me since I was 5! We shared lots of old memories, went around and told my mom things we loved about her, and just laughed and laughed until our stomachs hurt. We also played a little jeopardy of who knows Linda best. That was fun.
I kept the decorations simple. Lots of red and white, my moms favorite colors. I had some new and old photos dispersed around the table. The photo above is circa 1989 on my mom's 29th birthday with one of her favorite presents, her chocolate lab Bashia.
We made her feel like a birthday princess complete with a flower crown. (Later on she told me how she wore it all day, even out to dinner that night. That's my mother.) For lunch I made a simple sandwich bar, spinach and artichoke dip, with a fruit salad. It just so happened to be 100 degrees outside so it was good I decided on something cool.
Happy Happy Birthday Mom! So happy you are my mother and that I got to celebrate you in such a fantastic way! May your birthdays always be special, may you never loose that zest for life, and may your friends always be close! We love you mom and happiest of birthdays.
xo // leah