Thursday, September 17, 2015

Oh Baby!

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!
Psalms 126:3

The Lord has blessed us richly! As of today I am 9 weeks and 3 days along with our little "Chip".  Joy oh joy! We are both beyond excited and can't help but say thank you at least one hundred times a day for this blessing. 

We had our first ultrasound and it felt as though the world had stopped. We saw his little heart beat and his wiggly body and everything felt right in the world. We are praying that this little bean grows and grows and everything is healthy. 

We have a lot to do and think about before this little one arrives but for now we are just relishing in the moment and thanking the Lord for this experience. 

We won't find out the sex until mid December, but we are calling this little one "Chip" for now. When we first found out I was pregnant the baby was the size of a chocolate chip and the nickname just seemed perfect. If he is a little she though we'll have to think of a new one :) 

This has definitely been a journey for us but the timing right now is absolutely perfect. The Lord knows and everything is in His hands. And I cannot be more reassured by that. 

xo // leah

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy Anniversary

On September 1st we celebrated three years of blissful marriage. As the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun. And it really does! These last three years have definitely seen a lot of change. Our first apartment where we lived together for the first time, a home buying experience, a home renovating experience, two puppies, and two out of the country adventures. These years have really been fun. Of course we've had our little arguments but nothing big. It is by the grace of God that we've had such a full and happy three years. And as Cory said, the honeymoon ain't over yet! 

We celebrated this anniversary by meeting at the place we had our first date, Noodles and Company. The food was ok but it was really just about recreating that first date and looking back on all that we've accomplished as a team. It was simple and it was perfect. We talked a lot about how we've had such great years, what each other has done really well in our marriage, and what we want for this next year. 

Thinking back, here are a few moments from that special day we became one. 

To many more laughs and adventures; to riding the waves that life brings us; and to being together for the whole thing! 

xo / leah