My dear baby boy,
How exciting it is to be that much closer to finding out who you are. Right now I know you are my son. I love saying that. I think I've said it out loud a hundred times since we learned you are a little boy. My son. My little baby boy. Oh my heart just overflows thinking of you and knowing that you are ours.
" Take my hand, I'll teach you the Way to go. Through the joys, through the tears, the journey of the years…may you trust Him in the end. He is faithful til the end". I pray you learn to love yourself; to love others like Jesus loves. I hope I can show you what that love looks like and how to extend it to everyone. I want you to always know how loved you are. Every part of your being is so very much cherished. I'll learn how to love you better each day we have together.
"May His light fill all you are; and the jewel of wisdom crown your heart… May my mistakes not hinder you; but His grace take hold and guide you through. He will keep you till the end." Motherhood is exciting to me dear one. My whole being is looking forward to loving you, teaching you, and helping you find your way in this world. It's scary too because I've never done this. But I'll figure it out. Your dad and I will make mistakes. But we'll all learn. We'll learn even more how much we need our Lord and how always we'll rely on Him.
One day you'll be grown, moving mountains, being a husband and father of your own; changing this world. But for now you are my baby boy. Now that I know you are my son I am so anxious to meet you. See your face and hold your hands tight in mine. But all I want right now is for you to grow. Grow strong and big; grow, grow, grow! For we'll meet soon enough.
I love you my son.
xo mom