7 months
With open arms I am fully embracing the start of the third trimester! We made it! Little Lew is growing away, as you can see by my belly. It looks now like I'm hiding a soccer ball under all my clothes. I truly am enjoying everyday with this little man growing inside of me.
Of course there are the new aches and pains that have decided to join us on this journey, but I try not to focus on those. If I'm feeling a little "woe is me" I make an effort to go look in a mirror. Seeing myself, my belly, reminding myself that my body is growing another human being (!), all the aches just sort of fade into the background. Yes they are there but are there for a reason. They become background noise and not the main attraction.
I've wanted to be pregnant for a long time. I've wanted to experience the joys and magic of growing a little baby, our little baby. Now that I'm able to experience pregnancy, nothing can make me not enjoy it! It truly is such a special time. A completely unique experience. I keep telling myself this is the only time I get to live this experience. I'll never be growing my son Lewis again. I'll never get to feel his kicks from the inside again. I'll be pregnant again, yes. But never with my Lewis. Focusing on that, thanking the Lord for that, and relishing in that is making this pregnancy so incredibly wonderful.
I'm glad I have a positive perspective and I'm thankful that this pregnancy has been rather easy. I'm so grateful that we are here, at 28 weeks and 1 day. Give or take only 12 weeks till we meet this son of ours!
/ leah