Sunday, July 24, 2016

Family Trip: Camping at Kingfisher

July 24 2016

We finally were able to make it camping this year. And with Lewis! The last time we went was actually to this very same campground, Kingfisher Campground . We loved it so much those two years ago and told ourselves we had to go back. I booked the site in January and I'm so glad that I did. We had the perfect little spot right along the river. We were a little nervous taking Lewis, the temperature fluctuations, the fact that we didn't have black out shades, and the bugs; but it all worked out perfectly. 

He was definitely our happy camper. I looked ahead and found different suggestions on what he should wear, what to have him sleep in, and etc. We ended up just using his bassinet mattress and laid in on the  ground in the tent next to me. Since he isn't rolling quite yet it was really the most perfect time to go. He went to bed when the sun went down, around 930 and Cory and I were able to enjoy the fire to ourselves. He woke up both nights at 430 (7hr sleep stretch!) then again for good between 6-630. But how can you blame him, the sun was up. Even though we were hoping to sleep in a bit, his pudgy bundled self was hard to stay mad at. 

My parents came with us and we all went on the hike to Bagby Hot Springs. My parents stayed at the hot springs for a bit while we took the dogs back down the trail to jump in the cool river. Lewis did so well on the hike, slept the way there, nursed well, then was just fine while dad held him on the way back. He doesn't really like carriers and really only tolerates being carried facing out. The way this one worked when he fell asleep his body was a little weird, so I ended up carrying him the whole time. Good workout for me!

We took some hammock naps, waded in the river, and made some yummy camping food. It was a really great camping trip, one of our best! Probably because it was so gorgeous out and because we had our Lewis. It's fun going on more adventures now that he's in our life. Just makes everything a little more special. Looking forward to next year when he is toddling around. It will make it a bit more challenging but also more fun. 

Until next year! 

// leah

Monthly Lewis 3

July 20 2016

Our little guy is already a 1/4 of a year old!! Wow how that 4th trimester really flew by. The days were long, really long. And it felt like every little season we were in was going to last forever. Looking back, he had little phases of change that only lasted 3 weeks at a time. Nothing lasted more than that. Crazy how quickly things change and how important it was to just ride the waves. More on that later. But first, 

Likes: being held by dad, sucking on his fists, The Farmer in the Dell music toy, blowing in his face. 

Dislikes: still hates car rides and tummy time. 

Nicknames include: Bugsy, Chubby Dubby, Hungry Hippo, and still Buddy by dad. 

We can tell that he is growing more and more each day and his little personality is starting to come out. He's chatting up a storm and smiles almost all the time, especially in the morning. 
We think you are so close to laughing. You scream when you smile real big. 

We love taking you on little adventures and seeing you see the world. 

One more photo because I just love it!

xo // mom

Monthly Lewis 2

June 20 2016

Our little bubba is 2 months! He's plumped out a ton and is getting so much chatty and fun! He's growing out of his 0-3 months clothes and is almost in size 2 diapers. He's starting to sleep more 5 hour stretches and is loving to take long long naps on me. 

Likes: being held all the time, smiling in the morning, and his little play gym. 

Dislikes: tummy time and drinking from the bottle. 

I call you Sharkie when you eat because you keep your eyes closed and go in for it with this wide open mouth with your head moving from side to side. I may let you do it a little longer than I should just because it's so adorable. You are looking a lot like your Auntie Bekah and Babcia's baby photos but are also looking  more and more like your dad. 

You've started to rest your head on my shoulder and I love it. You have a bald spot on your left side because you only sleep on that side. You started bringing your hands to your mouth this last week and I love that you are learning so much about yourself and the world around you. 

There is so much that I want to bottle up right now! 

Love watching you grow my big Lew!

xo / mom

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Family Trip : Neskowin

July 17 2016

We finally got around to going to the beach this last weekend! My in-laws gifted us with a very lovely weekend in the quaint little town of Neskowin. We usually just go to our favorite beach but things were booked up as far as places to stay so we branched out a bit. I'm so glad we did because I think we found our new favorite beach. 

It was overcast both days we were there but surprising really warm. Each time we went to the beach I had to tell myself "wear shorts next time!" because it really did get that warm. The beach was incredibly vacant and would have been the perfect place for bonfires. 

Lewis was a little indifferent about the whole experience. Maybe because he's only 3 months, but come on kid! I kid. He either wanted to eat his carrier the whole time, see photo directly below, or wanted to stand up on his own which wasn't happening. 

He did at one point fall asleep as we walked next to the water which was super sweet. We really loved this little slice of heaven and are really excited to make this place a yearly tradition. It'll be so much fun to watch him play in the sand and water when he's a bit older. 

happy beachin' // leah