Thursday, November 24, 2016

an open letter to my son: let's be kind

November 9th 2016

Dear Son,

The year you were born we elected our new president. I won't go into too much detail regarding the two candidates, but let's just say your dad and I didn't love either of them. Emotions ran high for many in our city and our country during this time. It was unfortunately made evident that this country is still so divided. It has been sad to watch the names be called, the labels be made, and the down right hate that has come out of those whom should be setting higher standards for our country.

What do I want you to know? I want to tell you this. Yes, big things are happening in our country. But big things happen everyday. I want you to know that many people in this world may not shine the light they should. Regardless of how others treat you, I hope I can raise you to treat others with kindness. A kindness that stems from genuine concern for others around you. I pray you show grace and forgive others easily. I pray that you see your neighbors, friends, and those around you not as strangers but as your brothers and sisters. Do unto others and you would do unto yourself.

I hope you know that your actions, though they may seem small are not! They are big! What you do at school, at your friend's house, and in our home matters. What you say matters. You matter. You can do a lot with your life. Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Be a positive light to those around you. Be humble. Do right when no one is watching.

I'll do my best to show you what this looks like. I pray your dad and I can help shine a light to those around us and show you what kindness means.

I love you my son. And even though the world you are growing up in may not be all too kind, know that there is a lot of love out there; a lot of love that can be given and a lot of love that you can receive.

I love you Lewis. Remember you are loved. And go out and extend that love to those around you.

xo / mom

Monthly Lewis 6 & 7

November 24 2016

I'm a little behind at our monthly record of mister Lewis. But such is life. These last two months have really flown by and were quite busy. He's been a busier little boy as well. So fun!

October 20 2016

Happy 1/2 Birthday to our little buddy! You are such a joy. We call you Chatty-Cathy-Lewis because you love to talk. Your laughs are contagious, and you are seriously the happiest person in the world in the mornings. We still have a lot to figure out, your dad and I, about this whole parenting gig but we are so thankful God gave us you as our first! You are so sweet and make our lives infinitely deeper with meaning and joy.

LIKES include being with and around your daddy. You seriously get so distracted when he is in the room. You are loving being outside and walks have become a necessary part of our days. You are getting chubbier and chubbier despite only wanting to drink mommas milk. We have tried several fruits and vegetables but you have yet to swallow anything. We have gotten into a nice routine when I am at work. You love it when your grandmothers are over and demand their attention when they are there.

You are learning to sit up more on your own and I think you love the added independence. We got you a highchair and I think it was one of the happiest moments of your little life! Your smile was just beaming when you could sit up and look at mommy. You are such a giggly little guy and love to talk to yourself. Sometimes I'll be watching you talk to yourself, then you see me watching you and just bust out laughing!

You experienced your first Halloween this last month and I have to say I loved dressing you up! You were a good sport. Our days have a routine to them and I'll soon be posting "a day in the life". I want to remember these days. Because despite how tiring, simple, and routine, they can be, they are oh so wonderful!

November 20th 2016

7 months! Oh my little love, you are so big! You laugh so loud when you see your Lucy dog. You still take crap naps unless in the Ergo or in mom's arms. We are doing okay at night, but are starting to sleep train you. You are still in size 3 diapers but they are getting tight. You are slightly lazy when it comes to moving but you'll figure it out. You love to roll from your back to your stomach and do it so well. But when it comes time to roll back over you just don't even try that often. You'll either lay your head down and wait for me to turn you over, or start crying. Making sleeping a bit interesting. You can't yet crawl but tend to downward dog your way around the mat. You can move pretty far like that! Your dad and I both had dreams that you just started walking. No crawling just up and walked. We'll see if that holds true!

You love being outside and literally cry when we come inside. You could sit and listen to the cars and trucks pass by for at least a half an hour. In this photo, it is your last white onesie because you pooped through all the others! You hate food still and haven't eaten any of the bazillion things I've chopped, pureed, steamed, or baked for your. So far you have only tolerated raw broccoli (sucking on it) and maybe one swallow of sweet potato.

You sat in the cart for the first time yesterday and absolutely loved it! I think we have a lot of fun adventures in our future just because of this. We gave you the pacifier again, to help soothe you during car rides or diaper changes when you are a little fussy. And now it's become your favorite toy! You don't suck on it like other babies do but rather use it as a microphone/chew toy. You chat and chat and chat so loudly when you have it in your mouth! You love to pull it in and out.  Oh Lewis-love you are so wonderful.

LIKES include much of what I mentioned above. You don't have many dislikes. You get bored a little easy so you can get fussy when you want to do something else. You don't cry, but rather make these "mmmm mm mmm" noises till we respond.

What fun these last few months have been and Cory and I are just so happy to watch him grow.


Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Sweet & Simple Shower

November 11 2016

My friend Shelby and I hosted a baby shower for our good friend Lauren. She is due February 15th (a day away from Valentine's!!!) with their baby girl. We are SO excited. We took advantage of the nearing winter season and decorated as such with little hues of pink. It turned out so lovely and it was so fun watching her and baby girl be spoiled with love. 

co-hosts ! 

We can't wait to meet you Baby Z! 

// leah


Phew! This last month was absolutely crazy busy it seemed! And it's already mid-November so that says a lot seeing I'm just now able to write about it. We continued the fall activities and were able to go to a little pumpkin patch this year. Lewis obviously was too young to enjoy all the little games and fun they had, but we'll definitely be back at Baggenstos Farms next year when he can enjoy it more. 

I also could have removed the bib for the photo opt, but this is real life. The drool is ALL the time. 


Halloween came and went and I'm really glad that we thought about it early. In lieu of our visitors over the summer (8 baby skunks), we decided to be a family of skunks. I made the vests, tails, and Lewis' bonnet for Halloween and kept is simple by wearing black everything, things we already had. We had a little get together and everyone had left by 630 #oldpeople but for reals, with kids now we are doing everything before 7pm!

In true Cory fashion, his eyes were closed for our best pic. 

October was fun, just busy! Happy the rest of the Holidays are right around the corner :)

// leah