Dear Son,
The year you were born we elected our new president. I won't go into too much detail regarding the two candidates, but let's just say your dad and I didn't love either of them. Emotions ran high for many in our city and our country during this time. It was unfortunately made evident that this country is still so divided. It has been sad to watch the names be called, the labels be made, and the down right hate that has come out of those whom should be setting higher standards for our country.
What do I want you to know? I want to tell you this. Yes, big things are happening in our country. But big things happen everyday. I want you to know that many people in this world may not shine the light they should. Regardless of how others treat you, I hope I can raise you to treat others with kindness. A kindness that stems from genuine concern for others around you. I pray you show grace and forgive others easily. I pray that you see your neighbors, friends, and those around you not as strangers but as your brothers and sisters. Do unto others and you would do unto yourself.
I hope you know that your actions, though they may seem small are not! They are big! What you do at school, at your friend's house, and in our home matters. What you say matters. You matter. You can do a lot with your life. Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Be a positive light to those around you. Be humble. Do right when no one is watching.
I'll do my best to show you what this looks like. I pray your dad and I can help shine a light to those around us and show you what kindness means.
I'll do my best to show you what this looks like. I pray your dad and I can help shine a light to those around us and show you what kindness means.
I love you my son. And even though the world you are growing up in may not be all too kind, know that there is a lot of love out there; a lot of love that can be given and a lot of love that you can receive.
I love you Lewis. Remember you are loved. And go out and extend that love to those around you.
xo / mom