Monday, January 14, 2013

Apartment Living

11 foot ceilings, hardwood floors throughout, floor to ceiling windows, antique touches...not descriptions you would typically hear when reading about an apartment. Our apartment has all of those. And it is quite a cozy, beautiful apartment. 

Antique door knobs, our rustic hardwood floors, and those beautiful windows.

However pretty the overall place is, there are tons of little problems that come with a old house-turned apartment. 

First off those beautiful windows. They are single paned and produce a ton of condensation. Condensation plus a cold house = lots of gross mold. On all the window sills. We tried having a fan blowing on it all the time, but that only helped a little and it made the room extra cold. We tried a rag left on the window sill, but that didn't work. So yesterday we installed these:

So far it's only been a day but it seems to be helping. Condensation is on the inside and not producing mold out where we can breath it in. We're planning on leaving them on until summer. Fingers crossed they hold up by then. 

Other issues include: leaking faucets, heat that does not work (it turns on but its right below all the windows so it never actually heats the place), lopsided stove, the list could go on. Honestly, these aren't huge problems, but problems I am hoping to not have later on when we have a home of our own. I think living in an apartment is making me truly appreciate having a home. It could be a lot worse too. 

What problems have you run into in your apartment living?

1 comment:

  1. Nice addition for your home. Like you, I love apartments because of its maintenance service. So, I only need to inform my landlord about any repairs I need done. That is why I live at luxury apartments Columbus Ohio.
