Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A birthday letter to my Husband

Happy Birthday love! 
What a blessing it is to be celebrating your 26th birthday with you! Your life is such a blessing to me. You are a great friend. You stick up for me and stand by my side even if I'm in the wrong. As a husband you are loving, caring, affectionate, and loyal. 

It wasn't love at first sight. But I can honestly say that I'm glad it wasn't. I fell in love with your soul first. Who you were, where you were going, and how you acted around me. You were open then and are open now to me; about your dreams, your fears, your plans, and your hopes. I am more in love with you everyday. And I plan to be in love with you more and more each day.

I love that you want so much out of life. You try so much and you don't stress if things don't happen out the way you want. You keep me calm. You keep me positive. You bring light and funness (yup thats a word) to this life. 

I love how you whistle during random times of the day. I love that you take like an hour to cut vegetables just cause it relaxes you. I love your green eyes. 

I want to do life with you. I like that we've already started. 

Here's to you my love! Happy Birthday! 

Love, Frances

(Totally photo-bombed him this morning, sleep face!)

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