"Maybe it's NOT Maybelline,
Maybe we were born with it."
I'm beautiful. I can say that. It's what I think. Is it vain to think you are pretty? No. It's confident. It's part of a being a self-assured woman. Have I always thought this? No. It's taken me years to truly believe that I am beautiful, and not just on the inside.
We live in a world now days that puts so much pressure on outer beauty. It makes young woman believe that outer beauty is most important. Do I agree? Most definitely not. So far from it. With that though, do I believe young woman should embrace their outer beauty? Yes! Should they get dolled up now and then and truly embrace everything their mama gave them? Oh yeah! Should we look in the mirror and say "I am pretty", most definitely.
I think its most important to know that we are beautiful on the inside. We have beautiful hearts and are talented; we can thrive at what we put our mind to; we can succeed; we are kind and we are strong. I also believe that we should know how beautiful our skin is. The size we are is just perfect. We are tall enough, short enough; we are thin enough; whether our hair is wavy or straight, blonde or red, it's perfect. We are beautiful, inside and out. Do we need make up to make ourselves feel more pretty? No. Does that mean we shouldn't wear it? Not at all.
I have beautiful friends. Inside and out they are gorgeous.
They shine with courage, with strength, with glamour.
Last weekend I hosted a little glam night. My friends came over and we indulged ourselves on cookies, doughnuts, and wine. We then put on some dresses, a little make-up, and some lipstick.
I told the girls to embrace their beauty. Don't be shy. Let the confidence of who they are radiate. Don't' think about if your hair was perfect enough or if your make-up was done up enough. Just know the wholly beautiful person you are and let that girl shine through.

I think what happened was pretty magical.

We all come with different hair color, different eyes, different smiles. It was magical watching my friends. We all lifted each other up and gave compliments the entire night. We need more of that amongst my generation. More of us telling our sisters how beautiful they are. Not what needs to change, but what is absolutely, uniquely perfect.
Melissa, you are beautifully confident. Aware of yourself and who you want to be. Your determination to reach for the moon with your goals is beyond inspiring. You don't give up. You press on. By the way, your new hair cut is absolutely stunning. I think you might be one of few who pulls off short hair to a T. Not to mention your eyes and those perfectly placed freckles. My dear friend you are smart, you are beautiful, and you are strength embodied in one.

Shelby, how absolutely perfect are your green eyes. You are probably the sweetest person I know. You look for the good in people. The way you talk to others brings out the confidence in them. You make sure people feel loved, heard, and appreciated. Your presence just spews a light of warmth. You have this calming presence that not many have. My sweet friend you are beautiful, you are bright, and you are thoughtful. And girl, you rocked that lip color.
Kat, I think you've killed a hundred men with that smile. You are a fearless woman. Strong in yourself and determined to live the most of what this world has to offer. You embody the phrase just go for it. You live. You aren't afraid to take chances because you know that even if they don't work out you learn and experience so much in the journey. You teach others to embrace that. My dear friend your presence is commanding, you are reliable, and beautiful.
Pamela, my girl whoa. You are powerful. You are creative beyond words. You live out your day dreams; you don't just sit by and watch life go by. You are bold enough to say and do what your heart tells you. You are kind and generous and give people second chances. You serve others because you want to. You teach others how to be confident. You embrace you and because of it you make this world so much brighter. My dear friend you are honest, you are beautiful, and you are brave.
"Maybe it's NOT Maybelline,
Maybe we were born with it."
I love that quote. Because it's true. Not maybe, but yes we were. We were born beautiful and have become even more over time. Through our experiences, through our actions we have developed into beautiful souls.
I have chose to surround myself with beautiful woman. Not just on the outside. But day-um they are pretty gorgeous. These woman have taught me about life; about being confident through those awkward years of braces and pimples. To embrace my self and my silly dance moves. To be courageous enough to go for that job or to buy those new shoes. Little and big struggles people.
I hosted this glam night for several reasons. One being because it's fun. What girl wouldn't want to get all dolled up with their girlfriends and play model? Secondly because I wanted to remind my friends how beautiful they are. The world's pressure is ridiculous. And maybe that's why I think it's even more important that I reminded my friends how pretty they are. Not because it's important that we show the world, but because we show ourselves.
It's taken a while to build up confidence of my outer beauty. But I'm glad I finally have that. I want to build that confidence up even more. For myself and for others. Thinking of the future and the possibility of having daughters, I want to make sure I'm ready to show not just tell them how to embrace your beauty. Not because I want them to live up to standards of this world, but because I want them to know how beautiful they are and embrace that beauty. To confidently look in the mirror and say I'm beautiful. Regardless of clear skin, pimples, braces or not. So they can walk out and tell others they are beautiful as well.
We couldn't end the night without some America's Next Top Model poses. We channeled our inner rock stars and may or may not have busted out a fan.
This girl. We've been friends for 17 years now. 17! We've been through every high and low of the confidence roller coaster together. And it's been a blessing to have her on this ride of life.
Side rant: These are the woman I am choosing to do life with. They are something special, each and every one of them. They have a place in my life that no one else could fill. Sometimes we choose our friends and sometimes they just walk into your life and you forget they were once not there. Friends are seriously the flowers of the garden of life. Yup, miss sappy pants here. End rant.

This is the first of many glam nights. Because it was fun and good for the soul.
To make up, inner beauty, and realizing we are perfect the way we are.
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