Monday, August 17, 2015

Marriage: What Works

As we are soon approaching the end of our 3rd year of marriage I couldn't help but think of these last few years. Cory and I can both say we've found a really good flow of our marriage. Despite all the comments of well-meaning friends and family, the first few years haven't been that tough. Yes we've had our moments but overall its been fun and rather easy. Every marriage is different and there will always be some advice on how to have a successful marriage, but it's been really nice to take that advice and use it how we see fit. These are a few things that have worked for us these last three years and I want to continue doing them throughout our marriage.

Laugh often Honestly not a day goes by that we aren't laughing about something. Either one of us has done or said something, our dogs have done something, or we've chosen to watch some pretty comical entertainment. Whatever it is we laugh often. We are able to laugh at ourselves and fill our conversations and what we watch with light-hearted topics. Being able to not take life, situations, or ourselves too seriously has been really helpful at making these first few years fun and not too stressful.

Intentionally listen  At our pre-marital counseling we did exercises that made you practice this idea. "I hear you saying ___ and I hear that it makes you feel ___". As silly as it felt constantly saying that phrase, man does it really help. It helps to make sure you are understanding exactly what your spouse is saying, what they are feeling, and what might be their biggest qualm with whatever is happening. My husband is a firm believer that how you say something is more effective than what you are actually saying. Many a times he thought I felt/meant something just by listening to my tone. When in reality what I was saying was all I felt and needed him to understand. It's been a great tool to use this little phrase during those heated arguments or times when we felt like we really weren't making headway with a discussion.

Community  We both come from somewhat small friends group. Before we were married we each had just a hand few of close friends that we saw often. When we were married we realized that it was important for us to start making some new friends, new to the both of us and friends that were married. I had my girlfriend and he had his guy friends, but we knew we needed some married friends to go along with us during this ride of marriage. We met a few new couple friends from work and through church and the community we have now is such a strong one. It's been really helpful to start new relationships. Friends that are ours and friends we could talk to about the ups and downs we were experiencing in marriage.

Marriage is a lot of fun. It takes work, constant work. Keep love flowing, keep it fun, and have those friends around you to support you both. Very excited that I married the man I did. We have had some great years and I just feel proud as we round out the last of our third year.

xo // leah

Saturday, August 15, 2015

DIY: Home-made Deodorant

As I mentioned earlier this week, I've been trying to use more natural and organic products around the house and for my body. I found some great recipes for all-purpose cleaners and some pretty darn good shampoos that work really well. When I heard about the idea of home-made deodorant I immediately checked it off my list. I'm not someone who naturally smells amazing and never sweats. Full disclosure I sweat a lot. At work we have this running joke to see who can "pit out", as well call it, first. It's a good thing I work with some amazing people who have pretty good sense of humors, but it's still a little embarrassing to win this. I work as a nurse for 12.5 hours a day, walking on average 6 miles and to say I work up a sweat is an accurate statement. I digress. Point being I need a deodorant that is going to work. 

However, when I found this recipe I thought I'd give it a try. It sounded easy enough with a short list of ingredients that I actually heard of and had on hand. I figured I might as well not pass this up so fast. And the fact that I've been needing to reapply at work was getting a little old.  So I gave it try. 


It. Works. 

Like actually works. It smells amazing which then in turn makes me smell amazing. Keeps me cool. And I don't have to reapply during my day. Natural and works, win-win! 

For all you who have been trying to go the natural more organic route, I'd definitely recommend this. 
Head on over to Abi's Blog to get the full how-to. 

xo // leah

Friday, August 14, 2015

About Me

Hi, my name is Leah.

This is my little family.

These are few things to get to know us...

-We live in Portland, Oregon. Definitely my favorite place on Earth. The PNW has so much to offer in beauty and I'm so happy we have roots here.

-I love Jesus and love people.

-My love of people is probably what brought me into the world of Nursing. I work as an RN on a Medical-Surgical floor.

-I used to have an addiction to cheese. We are still friends but I keep it in moderation. I like to say I try to eat whole, but it's more like whole [pizzas].

-I am a Twin and it's pretty much the best thing ever.

-I used to dance ballet all through high school and then in college I was on the Dance Team for a couple of years. I love dancing and it's not uncommon to find me dancing around my house.

-I absolutely adore all flowers. Not biased to any type. I always wanted to own my own Floral shop and name it Flowers by Frances (my middle name).

- I am somewhat type A and have a knack for redecorating and reorganizing our house just about every season.

-I can count to ten in 4 different languages.

-My husband and I married just 16 months after our first date.

- As a kid my nickname was Peanut and my husbands was Bean, hence how this blog got its name.

Thanks for sharing along in our little adventures!

xo // leah

Photos above by Pamela Montanez

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Road To Baby: What to do while you wait

Our Baby hasn't come yet. And quite honestly the waiting period has been around 12 months long. Probably exactly 12 months longer than I was expecting. I didn't plan to wait and with that unplanningness (if that's a word) my patience was nil. So what do you do when you are waiting? I've learned a few things and would love to share them. 

Pray  When the daydreams come and you get lost for those few minutes of what the kitchen will look like with little sticky fingers to help you … but then remember you aren't pregnant … you stop. You pray. My faith has been such an integral part of this time for me. And prayer has helped bolster my faith that I will have healthy pregnancies that will give me healthy children. It has also provided me with the joy I've needed during this time of waiting. I pray. And pray and pray. Talking to my Savior about my hopes, fears, and desires surrounding parenthood. Praying helps to relieve the burden that all of this is not on my shoulders. And that my baby will come at the right time, and for reasons unknown to me right now is just not that time.

Focus on your Body  For about the last 6 months I've taken my health and wellness very seriously. Not that I didn't before, but I took a much deeper look at what I was eating, using, and doing to my body that may not be so healthy. Changed my eating habits using the whole 30 program, I learned what foods really fuel me and help to make me feel good. I started using more natural products such as my beauty products (different shampoos and home-made deodorant - recipe coming soon!) and our cleaning products. I am exercising more in ways that are fun and fit my needs. Walking more, slowing down our life a little, and finding time to just sit and breathe, all things that help to support a more whole me. 

Surround yourself with your tribe  Spend time with the people who energize you. The people who will make you laugh, understand when you just need a day to cry or just be still together. The people you surround yourself with will make a big difference. Make plans with these people. Do the things you like with them, dinner dates, Saturday outings, spa nights with your girls, whatever you do spend time with these people. Let your tribe be present with you, waiting with you during this time. 

Get away  One of the big issues for us during this time was what to do for vacation. Or rather, do we even go on a vacation. You want to save your money, save your vacation time, whatever it is for your maternity leave or first few weeks with baby. But you also need to get away. Plan little day trips - small weekend getaways to get you out of the house. Get you out the norm a little and break up the weeks. Little getaways even for the day or for a week are extremely refreshing for the soul. Spending time doing absolutely nothing away from your home or something totally out of your comfort zone are both amazing ways to help you during this time of waiting. Loosely plan that cruise or that trip to Mexico, knowing that either way it'll be a win-win. You'll either have to cancel because the greatest gift has finally arrived or you'll have a pretty amazing trip to go on. Either way it'll be great.  

Waiting is hard. No matter what the event it is you are waiting for make the most of this time. We get the time to grow our faith, strengthen our relationships and build up our tribe; we get the time to give our bodies love and become the healthiest versions of us so we can become the healthiest moms we can be. Be still. Quiet your mind. Find and do the small and big things that give you joy. And get away from it all every now and then. 

Wait patiently because baby will come. But make sure to love yourself in the meantime. 

xo // leah

We Have Figs That We Don't Like

I don't know if it's the fact that I never grew up eating figs and now I don't have the palette for them, or the fact that they look like little alien eggs when you open them up..but I just don't like figs. The good thing is that we have plenty of friends that love these little fruits. 

Aside from us, our little pups absolutely love these things. Not a day goes by that I don't catch these two out by our fig tree, either eating the figs that have fallen or jumping to get the ones they can reach. Even though we don't like them I thought it would be fun to round up a few yummy sounding fig recipes as well as some non-traditional ways to use figs. 

Figs in Bouquets, see here & here

I'm a sucker for food and pretty bouquets, so maybe I'll learn to love these little weird looking fruits. But in the meantime, who wants some?

xo // leah

{thank you for the photos Pamela}

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekend: Beach Trip

We finally made it to our favorite place, Tolovana Beach. A dog friendly beach, a green space with picnic tables and a swing set, and the ability to have bonfires! Hence why it's our favorite. We decided to chase the sun to see some awesome views and get some sand in our toes. 

The views were unmatched and I think it's safe to say we all had a good time. We left after dinner but after the drive we were somewhat hungry so we found the perfect little pizza joint, Pizza a fetta, for a slice of really good pizza. It was nice having a slice as we walked down to the water. 

This was our first trip of the summer but we'll be back. Our annual October Beach trip is coming up so we'll be back soon. 

xo / leah