This year we were able to have Christmas dinner with everyone [minus my sister, who had to work :( ]. We started the day waking up in our home-made living room fort. Read the story of Jesus's birth, watched a little Charlie Brown Christmas, and ate some Buscuits and Gravy from scratch. We opened our stockings and then headed to Cory's parents for some snacks and presents.
After a bit my family and our closest friends joined for dinner. It was such a great time having everyone around one table. Because of my line of work, I usually have to work holidays. So this was especially special to be able to enjoy the magic of the day with everyone I love.
After dinner we went back to our house for presents with my family.
{I some how always not manage to get photos with Cory's parents..grr..priority number one next year}

It's amazing to see how every Christmas the scene around the table is different. A new nephew this year that joined, both of our families as one family; I'm always so thankful for the people that are in my life and love that we all try and stay close.
It was the little conversations, my dad singing carols while my friend and mother-in-law played duets on the piano. My niece running around in her home-made tutu, and my brother chowing down on the family peirogi's. There is magic when everyone is around, celebrating one thing and just relishing in each other's company.
May the Lord's peace be with everyone this new year, and may the magic of Christmas time always be there,
xo // leah
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