There is something about the new year that brings a sense of newness... It's like stepping out and breathing in the air of the seasons first rain. Refreshing, hopeful, inspiring. I usually have a sense of this feeling with every new year, but not like this. This year just feels different. Maybe I'm choosing for it be. Maybe I hope it will be. Just maybe it really will be. Either way I've decided to start this new years off differently.
Firstly I want this year to be full of rejoicing / Rejoicing: the feeling or the expression of joy / Joy: Happiness over an unanticipated or present good. I want to delight in the present; be joyful in the now; and give thanks for this very thing that is making the story of my life; the now.
Why is that so hard to do? Can't I always be happy in the now? I have hopes and dreams that I want to happen..yesterday. I've been letting this bring me down, way down and it's not fair. It's not fair to myself. I'm robbing the joy of right now when I focus on the things that aren't. Let's tell myself that again. I'm robbing the joy that I can feel right now when I focus on the things that aren't happening yet.

" Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is with you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "
Philippians 4:4-7
I want need to live more like this. I'm going to choose to not be so anxious on the things that aren't happening and focus on what is. What is beautiful. What brings joy to me. What is lovely and makes me smile. Will it be easy? No. Will I need reminders? Yes. But I'm going to start to choose this.
To start this year in a bang, to remind myself daily to rejoice in all circumstances, I got a tattoo. I got a tattoo? Yes I did. I didn't need to get it to remind myself to rejoice, but it definitely will help. A daily reminder. Right smack in my face every morning. I wanted a tattoo as well. Something that will permanently remind me of the change that has happened this start of the year. And I think it's pretty.

This year is about progress, not perfection. If I can be even just a little more thankful, a little more joyful about right now then that's good enough for me.
Happy new beginnings,
xo // leah
Photo Credits: Pamela Montanez // Photographer and Freelance Designer
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