December 26th, 2017
We went to Hagg Tree Farm again this year and I think we love this place. The tree selection is huge, the property is so fun to walk around on (very dog friendly), and they have a barn with animals and Santa! I think we'll be coming back to this place every year.
We took advantage of the sunny/dry day-after-Thanksgiving. We invited my parents because they hadn't been there before. We walked around for a bit until we found the most perfect Charlie Brown tree. A little Noble.

Lewis was adorable and didn't let me take off his mittens once I put them on him! He had fun walking through the tall grass and pointing out all the tall trees. That kid just loves being outside so this place was heaven to his little heart.
Lewis always points his finger at me when he's upset. Like "Mom, how could you let this happen!". I can't help but think it's a little funny. He didn't actually cry, just let out some warning shrills. Buddy was not too excited about Santa this year.
The weekend following our tree hunt was super relaxing. On Sunday we just sat around the house, watched football, I made leftover turkey chili, and played inside with the fire going. It was exactly the laid back day I needed (hello 36 weeks pregnant!).
I started a tradition last year that I'll keep up for a few years as the kids are growing up. I wrap up all the Christmas books and we open just one every day leading up to Christmas Day. Since we don't have 24 quite yet, I'm still in the buying phase and get one to two new books a year. It's really fun to have that special treat every night.
Just a pic of little ole' me 36 weeks along growing baby Edie and wondering if she'll be here for Christmas Day.
A good night Lewis and I had. I was craving something sweet and all I could find was the Nutella. So he got a few bedtime licks.
Our Christmas was incredibly relaxed, quiet, peaceful and everything we needed it to be. Lewis and I were finally feeling ourselves after an almost two week cold and I just didn't want any stress to be added to our days. We decided to stay home all weekend and it was truly perfect. On Christmas morning I made cinnamon rolls and we ate and watched Lewis open just a few gifts we got him. We actually re-wrapped some cars he got last year and only bought him two other gifts. We knew he would be getting more from the grandparents so we decided to not splurge with him.
My in-laws came over that morning and we exchanged gifts and ate more cinnamon rolls and Christmas bread. I didn't snap any photos :( they got him some fan favorite cars and some books and a little bug-car as I call it that he can scoot himself around with. He had lots of fun and crashed a little late for nap time.
39 week 6 day belly
After naps my parents and brother came over and we had another relaxing time exchanging gifts and eating dinner. I actually made a lamb roast and it turned out so good! Lewis got some veggies and pots and pans for his play kitchen.
It did feel like a super quiet Christmas and a little weird not having baby sister out with us. But we enjoyed the long weekend nonetheless. And we got some snow! So that made it super special. Holidays truly are getting more and more special as Lewis grows. I was super thankful to have such a relaxed time and grateful for family who came to our place to celebrate.
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