Sunday, December 10, 2017

Pregnancy Update

December 10th, 2017

Today marks 37 weeks and 5 days growing baby Edie. I can't believe we are this far along and this close to meeting her. Yet again, it feels like finally we are here. Some weeks are a lot longer than others, but in the end time does go so fast. Thought it was about time to do a little bump-date. 

How far long: 37 weeks

Weight gained: 31 lbs

Cravings: all the sweets, mostly cookies and Nutella and graham crackers. Also wine, all the wine. But don't worry, I haven't given into that craving yet. 

Symptoms: baby girl is still really high up and it makes me short of breath all the time. I also am getting a lot more pressure on my pubic bone, especially right in the morning. I have an inguinal hernia that's gotten worse but is only bothersome in the morning. A newer weird symptom is my right fingertips have been going numb. I talked to my midwife and she believes its the carpal tunnel syndrome where the median nerve becomes compressed because of the swelling. My hands are a lot more puffy than with Lewis' pregnancy, and at the end of a long day at work my legs and feet are swollen. She wasn't concerned and was very much convinced it will go away within a week postpartum. But thats been an interesting thing to deal with! 

The Braxton hicks contractions have slowed down immensely, which is nice because they weren't helpful to labor and were just uncomfortable. But no signs of early labor either. Most everyone is convinced she'll be here by Christmas. But I think she'll come the week after. Her due date is December 26th and we would induce anywhere between Jan 2-Jan 9th. But hoping she doesn't make us wait that long. 

We just want our Edie girl to be healthy and come when she is ready. Getting more excited about her birth and trying to focus on the fact that we get to snuggle a new little baby in just a few short weeks. 

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