Saturday, January 24, 2015

Talking Buns: Happy Weekend, Happy Links

"Oh mom, you know that's not my good angle!"

Friday. The day we all look forward to from the start of the week. Above is a pic of Lucy I took this week. She is my snuggle bug and didn't want to get out of bed. I can't help but love on that fluffy face.

Here are some happy links that I've been into lately:

1. Inspired by Merrick's Valentine Party . My friend and I are co-hosting one next month and I am getting super excited about it. Anyone say flower crowns ...mimosa bar...

2. Some of my friends had their engagement photos taken last weekend. Lots of heart eyes happening over here. Check out more of the photographers work here.

3.  If you know me, you know I love dogs. This site I follow on Instagram (@thedogist) to get my extra daily dose of puppy love.

4. One of my goals for Cory and I (It's ok to make couple goals for yourself right?) is to go on more dates to new places. This website makes it a little easier.

happy weekend // leah

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Talking Buns: 5 Things for Health

I was having a conversation with my dad the other day, talking about the top three things you can do to keep yourself healthy. There are many important things to keep yourself healthy but for some reason we trying to narrow it down to just the top three. But it got me thinking. What if I had to think of the top 5 things I could do for myself this year that would yield the greatest benefits to myself? 
Well, I came up with a little list. 

1. Sleep I have seen the miraculous powers that sleep can have on a body. I don't nap and can't really nap on command like some people, so for me going to bed at a reasonable hour every night makes all the difference. Sleep heals the body. It improves your memory, aids in decreasing inflammation, improves your attention during the day, and goes hand in hand with your metabolism*. I can tell personally when I might be coming down with something and need to go to be 7 or even 6! And I've done it. Getting enough sleep every night is definitely on my top 5 this year. I'm going to help myself do this by turning off the phones right after dinner and not eating too late either. 

2. Eating Fresh Going along the lines of staying healthy, I need to eat better. My metabolism has blessed me with staying thin..on the outside. I know all to well the negative effects that happen on the inside of your body from not eating well. Eating fresh foods and stocking our fridge more than our pantry is going to be so beneficial for me this year.

3. Pray The relationship I have with Jesus is very important to me. Sometimes it goes on the back burner though. When this happens my heart and mind are left with spaces for things like doubt, anxiety, fear, and stress to creep in. The more I pray and just talk to Jesus the closer I feel to Him. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"." Jeremiah 29:11 Doubt and anxiety are terrible and often debilitating things. I want less of these this year. 

4. Drink more water This one is pretty simple. Just drink more water. 

5. Walk I don't like working out. I actually really hate it. Well, I hate the idea of it. Who would rather push themselves in hot or cold weather or drive 20 minutes to a gym and have people stare at you while you workout…. um not me. But I have found that I do like how I feel after I've done some form of exercise. I've noticed that I really enjoy walks/slow jogs with my dogs.  If I can continue to stay in a habit of walking more I know this will be a great thing for my mind and body. 

I'm sure there are plenty of other great things I could have added to this list. But these were my top five. What are your top things you can do this year for yourself?

To staying healthy, mind, body, and soul // leah

 *I'm not a doctor but I've gathered this information through my studies as an RN.

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Day I Got a Tattoo

My friend Pam and I were discussing getting tattoos for the past year it seems. What do we want, where do we want it, would we regret it… every topic that comes around having a tattoo. We met for brunch on New Years Day and decided why not today be the day we get our tattoos. We wandered around Portland looking for a place that was open. We found a few places but just didn't get the right vibe, if you know what I mean. If someone is drawing a permanent thing on my arm I want to have some good vibes. Just being real. 

We kept wandering until we found Icon Tattoo. We got some of these good vibes from just the outside of the studio. It was closed that day so we decided to come back in a few days to make this happen. 

We came back for a walk in and was told 3 o'clock was the time for our tattoos. We got there right when it opened so we had some time to kill. 

We walked around Mississippi Ave. and stopped in at Radar for some brunch. 

The food there was delicious! 
 * Croque Madame * Egg and Pepper Fritatta
 * Steak and Eggs * Bourbon Cider 
It was a very yummy meal and I'm wanting to try it again sometime. Definitely a date spot.

We wandered around to some of our favorite spots on Mississippi picking up some treasures from the day.

Our tattoo artist was finishing up on a client so we went to McMenamins -White Eagle for some burgers and fries. Once we got the call she was ready Pam and I ran over. Our tattoo artist Elli was amazing and incredibly nice. She really made sure we loved what they looked like before she started. Pam was up first. 

It was nice being the only ones in the entire studio. 

Pam got a feather tattoo, that she drew herself. It comes from Psalms 91:4 "He will cover you with His feathers, He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection"

It turned out amazing!

My turn!

I got the word rejoice, in my own handwriting. It's based on Philippians 4:4-7 " Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is with you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in all things, by prayer, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace that transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".

We both are so happy with how they turned out and I'm really glad I got it. 

The whole day was so much fun. Able to spend time with friends just wandering around and making memories with each other. 

To the day I got a tattoo // leah

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year, New Me

There is something about the new year that brings a sense of newness... It's like stepping out and breathing in the air of the seasons first rain. Refreshing, hopeful, inspiring. I usually have a sense of this feeling with every new year, but not like this. This year just feels different. Maybe I'm choosing for it be. Maybe I hope it will be. Just maybe it really will be. Either way I've decided to start this new years off differently.

Firstly I want this year to be full of rejoicing / Rejoicing:  the feeling or the expression of joy / Joy: Happiness over an unanticipated or present good.  I want to delight in the present; be joyful in the now; and give thanks for this very thing that is making the story of my life; the now.

Why is that so hard to do? Can't I always be happy in the now? I have hopes and dreams that I want to happen..yesterday. I've been letting this bring me down, way down and it's not fair. It's not fair to myself. I'm robbing the joy of right now when I focus on the things that aren't. Let's tell myself that again. I'm robbing the joy that I can feel right now when I focus on the things that aren't happening yet.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is with you. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. " 
Philippians 4:4-7

want need to live more like this. I'm going to choose to not be so anxious on the things that aren't happening and focus on what is. What is beautiful. What brings joy to me. What is lovely and makes me smile. Will it be easy? No. Will I need reminders? Yes. But I'm going to start to choose this. 


To start this year in a bang, to remind myself daily to rejoice in all circumstances, I got a tattoo. I got a tattoo? Yes I did. I didn't need to get it to remind myself to rejoice, but it definitely will help. A daily reminder. Right smack in my face every morning. I wanted a tattoo as well. Something that will permanently remind me of the change that has happened this start of the year. And I think it's pretty. 

This year is about progress, not perfection. If I can be even just a little more thankful, a little more joyful about right now then that's good enough for me. 

Happy new beginnings,

xo // leah

Photo Credits: Pamela Montanez // Photographer and Freelance Designer

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas 2015

This year we were able to have Christmas dinner with everyone [minus my sister, who had to work :( ]. We started the day waking up in our home-made living room fort. Read the story of Jesus's birth, watched a little Charlie Brown Christmas, and ate some Buscuits and Gravy from scratch. We opened our stockings and then headed to Cory's parents for some snacks and presents. 

After a bit my family and our closest friends joined for dinner. It was such a great time having everyone around one table. Because of my line of work, I usually have to work holidays. So this was especially special to be able to enjoy the magic of the day with everyone I love. 

After dinner we went back to our house for presents with my family. 

{I some how always not manage to get photos with Cory's parents..grr..priority number one next year}

It's amazing to see how every Christmas the scene around the table is different. A new nephew this year that joined, both of our families as one family; I'm always so thankful for the people that are in my life and love that we all try and stay close. 

It was the little conversations, my dad singing carols while my friend and mother-in-law played duets on the piano. My niece running around in her home-made tutu, and my brother chowing down on the family peirogi's. There is magic when everyone is around, celebrating one thing and just relishing in each other's company. 

May the Lord's peace be with everyone this new year, and may the magic of Christmas time always be there,

xo // leah

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015...

This year was seriously amazing. How does every year seem to top the last one? It was hard to narrow down my all time favorite moments or events. But I'm glad I don't have to. This year was full of events and memories, big and small that I will always remember. 

Memories such as our first snow day as a family. Seeing the girls play in the snow for the first time was so much fun! Also riding around town in our new truck. The cruise my in-laws blessed us with was beyond incredible. We went to the beach a lot this year, definitely made up for lost time. We had a new nephew born into the family. That event probably tops it all..I mean how can't it? I was able to celebrate my birthday with my twin and made some deeper bonds with the friends I call soul sisters. 

We keep saying this year is going to be our best. And I really feel it. I'm excited for the lessons we'll learn this year, the things we will learn about each other; I'm planning to do more with family and friends, invest in people more than projects. And as always, be healthier. 

This year is not about being perfect, it's about making progress. 

To a healthier and joyful year. Bring it 2015! // leah