Our Baby hasn't come yet. And quite honestly the waiting period has been around 12 months long. Probably exactly 12 months longer than I was expecting. I didn't plan to wait and with that unplanningness (if that's a word) my patience was nil. So what do you do when you are waiting? I've learned a few things and would love to share them.
Pray When the daydreams come and you get lost for those few minutes of what the kitchen will look like with little sticky fingers to help you … but then remember you aren't pregnant … you stop. You pray. My faith has been such an integral part of this time for me. And prayer has helped bolster my faith that I will have healthy pregnancies that will give me healthy children. It has also provided me with the joy I've needed during this time of waiting. I pray. And pray and pray. Talking to my Savior about my hopes, fears, and desires surrounding parenthood. Praying helps to relieve the burden that all of this is not on my shoulders. And that my baby will come at the right time, and for reasons unknown to me right now is just not that time.
Focus on your Body For about the last 6 months I've taken my health and wellness very seriously. Not that I didn't before, but I took a much deeper look at what I was eating, using, and doing to my body that may not be so healthy. Changed my eating habits using the whole 30 program, I learned what foods really fuel me and help to make me feel good. I started using more natural products such as my beauty products (different shampoos and home-made deodorant - recipe coming soon!) and our cleaning products. I am exercising more in ways that are fun and fit my needs. Walking more, slowing down our life a little, and finding time to just sit and breathe, all things that help to support a more whole me.
Surround yourself with your tribe Spend time with the people who energize you. The people who will make you laugh, understand when you just need a day to cry or just be still together. The people you surround yourself with will make a big difference. Make plans with these people. Do the things you like with them, dinner dates, Saturday outings, spa nights with your girls, whatever you do spend time with these people. Let your tribe be present with you, waiting with you during this time.
Get away One of the big issues for us during this time was what to do for vacation. Or rather, do we even go on a vacation. You want to save your money, save your vacation time, whatever it is for your maternity leave or first few weeks with baby. But you also need to get away. Plan little day trips - small weekend getaways to get you out of the house. Get you out the norm a little and break up the weeks. Little getaways even for the day or for a week are extremely refreshing for the soul. Spending time doing absolutely nothing away from your home or something totally out of your comfort zone are both amazing ways to help you during this time of waiting. Loosely plan that cruise or that trip to Mexico, knowing that either way it'll be a win-win. You'll either have to cancel because the greatest gift has finally arrived or you'll have a pretty amazing trip to go on. Either way it'll be great.
Waiting is hard. No matter what the event it is you are waiting for make the most of this time. We get the time to grow our faith, strengthen our relationships and build up our tribe; we get the time to give our bodies love and become the healthiest versions of us so we can become the healthiest moms we can be. Be still. Quiet your mind. Find and do the small and big things that give you joy. And get away from it all every now and then.
Wait patiently because baby will come. But make sure to love yourself in the meantime.
xo // leah
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