Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Season Your Words With Love

"You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of one in need, that it may give grace to those who hear."

This verse has been on my heart lately. Lately I've been trying to make it more of a priority to stay in touch with my family and my friends (new and old). I've been writing more letters, calling more, and trying to meet up for little dates. Its great and all; seeing and hearing the ones I love and having fellowship with them. But through all those things, I've still had the tug on my heart to be more conscious of my words. Starting in my home. 

Last week Cory and I got into a little tiff. And I said some not so seasoned-with-love kind of words. Even though I was trying to get my point across that is no excuse. There are kinder words I could have used to help Cory understand what I wanted him to know. 

Our husbands, friends, co-workers, sisters, nieces..everyone is "in need". In need of grace, of love, of kindness. I hope this week you all are encouraged to build up those in your life with the words you use.  

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